Choosing Document Sharing Software

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In the past, you may have shared files with your team by emailing or printing them. In the future, you’ll have to utilize document sharing software that allows real-time collaboration and is compatible with the most current formats of files.

A reliable document-sharing service offers an easy-to use management interface and the tools to keep content safe and secure, as well as synchronized across devices and teams. It also has the capability to handle large size files. It can also be backed up to the cloud in order to safeguard against natural disasters and loss of data.

The most well-known types of document sharing software include cloud-based solutions as well as on-premise systems. Both options provide security, however on-premise systems are more suitable for businesses with strict information security policies. On-premise for instance, isn’t dependent on a network connection. It won’t crash, therefore, if your internet service goes down.

File-sharing software is also an essential tool for hybrid and remote teams. It makes it unnecessary for teams to share files via email, and allows them to avoid trying to find versions or identify who made what modifications. It also ensures that projects have only one version.

Most project management systems integrate with a document sharing platform to streamline the workflow process. For instance, ClickUp allows users to upload documents directly to the application and collaborate in real-time. Plus, it features an integrated Docs feature that lets users edit and share documents anyone in the organization. It is also integrated with more than 1,000 work applications to make app-switching and boost productivity.

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